“It takes a village to raise a child.”


Jumping Beans on englanninkielinen päiväkoti Kangasalan Ruutanassa.

Meillä on vapaita paikkoja nyt syksyllä.  Voitte soittaa Amandalle ja kysyä lisää.

Päiväkotiimme ovat tervetulleita kaikki lapset esikouluikäisiin saakka. Henkilökuntamme jäsenet puhuvat myös suomea, joten sinun tai lapsesi ei tarvitse osata englantia meille saapuessasi. Turvallisen päiväkotiympäristön lisäksi lapsesi saa meiltä hyvän pohjan myöhempiin englanninopintoihin.

And now, let’s change to our language! Jumping Beans Kangasala offers a range of age appropriate activities that extend and stimulate children’s learning and promotes their all round development. We believe in creating partnerships with parents using their knowledge of their children to help us develop the daily programme which encompasses children’s favourite activities and interests.

In our large family atmosphere older and younger children have the opportunity to play and learn together. They learn English through play, games, indoor and outdoor activities. We understand that leaving your child in the care of others can be quite an emotional experience. We endeavour to do everything possible to make this transition easy for parents and their children. We encourage parents to visit our day care with their children as often as needed, giving every one time to get to know each other.

Jumping Beans is situated in a residential area close to the Ruutana school. We are close to the main north – south road between Tampere and Jyväskylä, providing easy access to Tampere. We have places for 20 children up to 6 years old.

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At Jumping Beans we believe that learning should be fun, and centered around what interests the child. We aim to provide an environment, both inside and outside, that will encourage your children to explore, learn and use their imaginations for problem solving and creativity. Through continuous observations of children at play, we are able to provide activities which suit their age and stage of development, activities which will interest, motivate and educate children whilst making their learning fun!

We are constantly developing our curriculum to provide the highest standard of care and education for your child. Working alongside the New Zealand Te Whariki and the English Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) our curriculum is based on the following seven areas of learning and development (EYFS):

Personal, social and emotional development

Children are encouraged to become confident and independent learners. Our older and younger children learn from each other and develop an understanding of the concept of sharing, taking turns and looking after each other.

Communication and language

Whilst encouraging children to learn to communicate in English through play, games, stories, songs and daily interactions with staff, we also recognize the importance of a child’s own Finnish language. Finnish language staff encourage and support a child’s own language development through daily interactions.


Through a child’s daily exploration of their world they are introduced to the concepts of numeracy, quantity, measurements and shapes. They are provided with the necessary tools and time to explore and make sense of their environment.

Understanding of the world

Children are naturally curious about the world around them. We encourage this curiosity and explore ways in which children can question, search and process this information using available resources such as books, media and other tools.

Physical development

Children are always on the move. We look for ways in which they can develop greater co-ordination and control over their bodies. Walks through the forest and surrounding areas, trips to the play park, skiing, skating, balancing, jumping, crawling, climbing are all ways in which children develop an awareness of the space around them.

Expressive Arts and Design

In addition to music, art, drama and role-play to encourage creativity, children have access to a variety of materials such as modelling clay, play dough, natural materials, rice and pastas (to name a few). In addition to developing imagination, this also stimulates the senses and develops fine motor skills.


Whilst encouraging children to learn to communicate in English through play, games, stories, songs and daily interactions with staff, we also recognize the importance of a child’s own Finnish language. Finnish language staff encourage and support a child’s own language development through daily interactions.


Jumping Beans aims to offer a flexible solution to your child day care needs.

We are open from Monday to Friday from 0700-1700 (Extended hours by agreement only)

We close each year for July and the days between Christmas and New Year.

Our fees are the same as Council Day Care fees and are calculated according to your day care requirements.

Jumping Beans Staff

It is important to us that our children and their parents have trust and confidence in the people working with them. To ensure that staff provide the best opportunities for your children, which will support their learning and well-being, Jumping Beans aims to provide regular internal and external training for its staff. We aim employ at least one fluent Finnish speaker to ensure that the children’s Finnish language is supported.

Staff ratios are
1:4 for children under 3
1:7 for children over 3.




Up to 3 year olds

In our large family environment our little ones enjoy warm, close relationships with the day care staff. Throughout the day mixed activities with our older children provides opportunities to learn and develop. Working with smaller groups enables us to follow the child’s individual routine whilst also providing fun and stimulating activities at times that suit the child. We have places available for the autumn. Call for more information or to arrange a visit.

Busy Bees

Busy Bees

3 – 4-year-olds

Our busy play based environment offers our children varied activities in which they learn to socialise, work independently or to work in small or larger groups. Regular observations and planning discussions gives us the opportunity to learn more about your child and their interests. Knowledge gained from these observations become the basis for planning activities which are suited to individual children.

We have places available in the autumn .  Contact Amanda and ask about the 2019-2020 year.



4-6 years old.

Our older Bookworms attend preschool at Ruutana school and are with us in the mornings and afternoons.

We provide activities for the children to support their interests in Science, Technology, Engineering the Arts and Mathematics (STEAM). 








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Jumping Beans aloittaa palvelusetelien käytön 1.3.2019. Linkki avaa Kangasalan Varhaiskasvatuksen ja opetustoimen sivut, joilla voi tehdä hakemuksen palveluseteleistä.

Ota yhteyttä / Contact us

13 + 15 =


Amanda Barrett-Utunen
Aminoffinkuja 11
36110 Ruutana

045-3118843 amanda.jbed@gmail.com


We have no vacancies at present.